Empty boxes soon to be filled with the finished products for shipping.
Taking a break to smile for the camera.
Our boxes that we worked on were going to the Ukraine
Look at all the boxes ready to be delivered to that special girl or boy.
Yesterday was simply amazing. I had the opportunity to go to the Operation Christmas Child Warehouse. It was neat to see how many things go on, and how many boxes they send out. I will post pictures in a bit. I went yesterday morning, and then wrote a little something about my experience, and I loved it so much that I went again last night. It's hard to describe this experience in writing, and I encourage everyone to participate. I was always the one that packed boxes in the past, but never actually seen or understood the entire process. Here is the thing I wrote:
‘Twas the week before Christmas
And all through the warehouse,
Operation Christmas Child boxes were being sent out.
Children, youth, and adults of all ages
Were packing boxes through eyes of a Savior.
Each tiny box wrapped, taped and handled with care
In the hopes that the kids in the Ukraine
Would understand and know someone cares.
Barbie dolls, race cars, puzzles, coloring books and some crayons too,
Trying to squish in the last item or two;
We certainly don’t want a child to be blue
If only they knew
We don’t realize how much we’ve been blessed
Until some of us are put to the test.
Day in and day out Operation Christmas Child workers are always at their best;
Some seem to never take a rest.
So let this be a lesson to all -
Shoe boxes no matter how big or small
Can make some sort of impact
If we just gather up goodies and have ourselves a ball
So think of all the children in our world near and far
Who can catch a glimpse of the Shining Star
Through something so little as an Operation Christmas Child box
So let’s gather our socks, and start a box for next year