Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Something Fun

The rules of the tag are as follows:1.Post the rules on your blog.2.Write six random things about yourself.3.Tag three people at the end of your post.4. If you are tagged, JUST DO IT, and pass the tag along.

1. I start listening to Christmas music every october 1st.

2. I HATE feet...when I was in college would throw up..they are just gross.

3. My dad coached a softball team when I was younger, and we didn't win any games all season.

4. I have gravel in my knee as well. When I was younger was learning to ride my bike, and the man across the street had a gravel driveway, and I fell. It was either get my knee sanded down and pay a ton or just leave it in there.

5. I have been chased by a moose because I got inbetween a momma and her baby (not a smart idea)

6. I like even numbers, and if this thing had said list 3 or 5 facts probably would have listed an extra to make it even.

I tag Michelle, Leah, and Margaret-Ann

Fall Festivites

Crisp, crunchy, bright colored...these all describe the surroundings I see. I love this time of year when the leaves are changing and it's a little chilly so you can wear a coat. A few weekends ago my friend and I rode up to Hendersonville/Biltmore Estate to enjoy the fall.Then we ate dinner at Bay Breeze (an excellent seafood restaurant). This past weekend was busy to say the least as well. Leah and I went to the Romeo and Juliet play here at NGU...it was set in the 80's but still used Shakesperian language. It was rather interesting..not my favorite, but I thought the acters and actresses did a GREAT job. Then Saturday we came to NGU for the parade, and I was able to see Michelle for a few minutes. I miss that girl like crazy! Leah and I went to a tiny hole in the wall place called The Traveler in TR. The food was good, but the service was a little slow. Then we came back to watch some of the Homecoming Game. I was really surprised that Id didn't see more people I knew from years past. Then we headed to Motlow Creek Baptist Church for a benefit dinner for one of our NGU students who has cancer. They had speghetti and an auction. It was fun. I think this week will be a little more low key. I'm already caught up and ahead of things here at work. So should be interesting what I find to do.