Monday, July 14, 2008

Manic Monday

Today I slept in once again, but when I say slept in I don't mean late because my body just won't let me these days. So I woke up about 9:00 and took my medicine, and ate some leftover cake. Then I just played on the computer until time for my doctor's appointment at 1:00. He did another X-ray, and this time the picture was much more clearer, but he scheduled me for a lithotripsy to be done Monday morning at 9:30. From what I understand I will be heavily sedated, but will be conscience in order for them to give me directions on exactly what to do. They will literally use a laser to crush the 1 inch stone, and it will take about 45 minutes to an hour. I have to be at the hospital at 7:00am that morning. So if you are reading this, and think about it please say an extra little prayer for me. I headed back to Greenville this evening, and was able to see my roommate who I haven't seen in like 2 weeks, and also meet her sister Jody that will be attending North Greenville in the Fall. Well I'm pooped, and I think I'm calling it a night!

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