Sunday, July 6, 2008

Serving Sunday

Hopefully my blogs will get a little more interesting the more I write, and not just a daily journal of what I have done during the day. This morning I woke up to my dad taking our dog out, and him rushing back inside to hand her over to my mom. He was going to help a man that had fallen down in the parking lot, and they think he had a heart attack. My dad is going to call over there tomorrow and check in on him. So then I got up and got ready for church. They were showing a few slides from Brazil where my parents went a few weeks ago to help build a house for a seminary professor and also work in the orphanages. Then my dad had gotten a gift card to Cracker Barrel so we went and made good use of it. I think I have mentioned before that I could eat my weight in their biscuits. YUM! We then headed to the Charlotte Airport to pick up Kent and Leah from their flight back from Texas. They landed, but ended up having to wait on their luggage for a few minutes. So we got them straight, and back on the road towards Greenville. Then we just came home, and I think all napped and watched bits and pieces of the Braves Game. My sister and brother-in-law were actually there, but had to catch a flight back to Charleston so they weren't able to stay for all 17 innings. That was one long, but good game! Go Braves! I'm writing this post a little earlier than usual because I'm plum tuckered out, and thinking about heading to bed here shortly, but not before I have my popcorn. :)

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