Saturday, July 12, 2008

Slow Saturday

This morning I was able to get a little more rest than I have been, and that was very nice. Then I got up and just kind of moped around the house. My parents and I went over to my aunts house for some Chinese food, and to celebrate my mom's birthday. It was certainly nice to get out of the house for a little while, but still having to take things easy. It's for sure that there is NEVER a dull moment in the life of Cayman. I came back here after lunch, and started watching some movies, but ended up falling asleep. So here I am blogging. Is anyone even still reading these or I'm probably just typing and wasting time? I was supposed to head back to work on Monday, but that isn't happening. So just pray that everyone involved will be totally understanding.


Anonymous said...

My husband's dad has kidney stones and he makes a tea of "gravel root" (we don't know the scientific name) and drinks it. The stones go away QUICKLY. Thought I would share and to let you know that at least one person reads your blog and is praying for you. By the way, exactly what is a jaw stone? I made up an answer and told my husband it was a calcium deposit that isn't supposed to be there- how close am I?

mahopper said...

I still check your blogs now and then. I went to the allergist today. I have constant drainage in my throat and amy tired of it. He said I have chronic sinusitus. I got in big trouble for not being a good patient and taking my allergy medicine and keeping my appointments. He put me on a steroid, antiobiotic for 3 weeks, inhaler, mucinex for the next month. Then I go back and we are going to start treating the allergies. He wants me to do allergy shots. I really need to because my allergies are just getting worse. But it is once a week for a year, every other week for 3 months and every three weeks for the next 4-5 years! That is a huge committment. I think it is going to cost me $50 each visit. So you wonder if it is worth is. So I sort of feel some of your pain and hope that you get to feeling better son. Margaret-Ann